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What are the reasons for water seepage from the outer wall to the inner wall?

Tips 2022-07-29 08:07:18 Home Life 1261

If you live in a house for a long time or because the quality of the new house is not good enough, there will be more or fewer problems. Let's take a look at the reasons why the outer wall seeps into the inner wall.

1. The masonry mortar of the masonry is not full enough, the ash joints are empty, and the capillary channels are formed to form a siphon effect.

2. The texture of the decorative surface of the room is sparse, and it is easy to lose the water in the capillary pores.

3. The thickness of plastering on the exterior wall is uneven, resulting in the phenomenon of water seepage on the wall.

4. The connection between the door and window and the wall is not sealed enough, the window top plate is not equipped with an olecranon and a drip line, and the outdoor window sill exceeds the living room sill.

What are the reasons for water seepage from the outer wall to the inner wall?1

5. The outdoor window sill is not made with a slope, which will cause the phenomenon of water pouring.

6. The middle of the rear plug window frame and the wall is not carefully filled and sealed with sealant.

7. The protective tape of the window frame is not torn clean, resulting in water seepage. Scaffolding eyes and other holes are not properly blocked, etc.